Our 3D design and printing program uses the free online tool: TinkerCAD. This allows students to easily explore a 3D environment using simple three dimensional shapes such as cubes, cylinders, cones and pyramids. Students are guided step by step to create their own name-tag. They will learn how to group and ungroup two shapes to form something new. Students will learn how to cut holes into their shape and how to resize their model by adjusting its length, width and height. Students will discover how to add visual depth to their name-tag by having their name appear higher than the remaining surface of the name-tag. They will learn how move around in the 3D environment to gain a different perspective of their model and they will learn things such as print time and the importance of keeping their models on the workplane. Most importantly, students will learn skills such as design thinking, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship as they develop and modify their name tags.
Due to the time needed to print the 3D models, most or all of the 3D printing will be done off-site, after the incursion. Once completed, all name-tags will be posted directly to the school. Suggested duration of each workshop is 1.5 hours. This workshop is suitable to students from year 2 onwards.

Australian Curriculum:
Develop, modify and communicate design ideas by applying design thinking, creativity, innovation and enterprise skills of increasing sophistication (ACTDEP049)