Contact us to learn how we can work together to bring our knowledge and equipment to your teaching staff.
Robotics – All Levels
From getting your robot to move, to more advanced features and algorithms, Building Block Studio can help you learn at a pace that suits you. EV3 robots, mBots or custom designed Arduino based robots.
Coding – All Levels
Intro to coding all the way to 3D games with Unity, Building Block studio has experience with all of the major coding platforms and languages. Scratch, Python, JavaScript, Java, c#, Stencyl, Unity
Electronics (inlcuding Arduino)
Building Block Studio works with Littlebits electronics and Snap Circuits. Let us give you the best tips and plans. We also focus heavily on the Arduino platform and have some great experiences that we can share to make your lessons a success.
Robotics Mentoring
Looking for a little help setting up your robotics teams? We can provide guidance and plans to help students success to their ability. FIRST LEGO League and Robocup Jnr.
Young ICT Explorer – Mentoring
Need a little technical assistance or advice, Building Block Studio can help.
Great Scratch PD Session
Minecraft for classroom